Cladribine – the Possible New Pill for MS

When I read this post today on the internet I became very excited. Knowing that there might be a pill that could replace daily or weekly injections to decrease the amount of relapses sounds just great. I hate those shots — in fact this is the reason why I stopped taking them 10 months ago. And knoock on wood I had no major problems every stopping the medicine. But if I could have the option of taking a pill instead of the injection I would be more likely go back on my medication.

But what exactly is Cladribine. Cladribine is commonly used for leukemic reticuloendotheliosis. This mediciation is not given over a long period of time. So this could be the downfall for Cladribine as far as MS is concerned. We all know that MS will stick with us for the rest of our life. And this could mean that we will have to take Cladribine for a much longer period of time. And how about the side effects? Cancer treatment is known for heavy side effects.

But we should consider all aspects of this. Not only the side effects but also the (hopefully, positivs outcome. If taking Cladribine might cause me to be a little more fatigue but I won’t have to end up in a wheelchair than I would be very happy to try this pill. I guess, it all depends on what we would like to do with our lives. Even if it would mean that we would only get 5 or 10 more years good life without the use of a wheelchair or a walker. These 5 or 10 years of possible fatigue are better than what could happen to us if we wouldn’t feel that

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  1. 1

    Lisa Emrich said,

    Hi Andrea,

    I didn’t realize that you were back to blogging. Good thing.
    I look forward to reading more.

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